NO medications can be given to students without a completed Authorization for Medical Care of a minor. This includes, but is not limited to, medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen and Advil (ibuprofen).
20-21 Authorization for Medical Care of a Minor (English)
20-21 Authorization for Medical Care of a Minor (Espanol)
Students with Chronic Illness:
Please use the Medication Authorization Form for EACH prescription drug prescribed by a Physician.
In the event of a medication or dosage change, this form will have to be updated.
20-21 Medication Authorization Form
Vision Screenings:
Vizavance will be at the school for vision screenings on September 2, 2020. If you do NOT want your child screened please fill out the following form.
Vision Screening Exclusion Form (English)
Vision Screening Exclusion Form (Espanol)