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General Information

NO medications can be given to students without a completed Authorization for Medical Care of a minor.  This includes, but is not limited to, medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen and Advil (ibuprofen).

  • 20-21 Authorization for Medical Care of a Minor (English)

  • 20-21 Authorization for Medical Care of a Minor (Espanol)


Students with Chronic Illness:

Please use the Medication Authorization Form for EACH prescription drug prescribed by a Physician. 

In the event of a medication or dosage change, this form will have to be updated.


  • 20-21 Medication Authorization Form


Vision Screenings:

Vizavance will be at the school for vision screenings on September 2, 2020. If you do NOT want your child screened please fill out the following form.


  • Vision Screening Exclusion Form (English)

  • Vision Screening Exclusion Form (Espanol)